7 Ekim 2023 Cumartesi


 Deve sidiği

"Although the sources of the narration are authentic, some of the words in the narration are excessive or missing, thus casting a shadow on the soundness of the statement. In particular, "it is recommended to drink only the milk of camels, not their urine".  

The person who quoted the part in parentheses added it himself because the Arabs had a tradition of using the milk / perhaps urine of camels as a kind of medicine for certain diseases.  (see Bukhari, Medicine, 57)

 “The weather in Medina made me sick.  Hz.  The Prophet (pbuh) advised: 'Go and drink some camel and goat-sheep milk (Hammad, one of the narrators of the hadith: 👉🏻'I think; and also their urine).'"👈🏻  (see Abu Davud, Taharet, 125)

 Abu Dawud stated that the sentence in the hadith, which expresses "drinking the urine of camels", is not correct, and that this is only included in the narrations made by the Basra hadith scholars from Enes.  (see ibid.)

 In a narration by Nasai (in a narration by Humayd from Enes), it is recommended to drink only milk.  (see Ibn Hanbel; III, 107; Nesaî, Tahrimu'd-dem, 8)

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